Friday, July 3, 2009

A lovely day off...

(I was fascinated by beetles today)

A~ and I did go on our walkabout. I packed a big picnic lunch and we stopped and got bubble tea at the tea place I love, then we ate in the Peace Garden. It was wonderful.
And it was so much fun!! I am just so lucky. I truly enjoy hanging out with my 7 yr old, he's such a fun great opinionated kid. He took quite a few pictures and they turned out amazing!

I'll share what we did, and please forgive my bragging :)
(A~ had next to no help from me, my only pointer was get really close to fill up the screen and I pointed out the caterpillar and beetles)

A~ took this:

And this
(two beetles procreating I think, or just snuggling)

And this (wow, huh?)

And this (I love that it's offset)

And this
(I love this one, again not centered but really nice)

I took these:
(A~ said these flowers were a little creepy, they were huge)

For some reason these remind me of dinosaurs
The peace garden

A lovely way to end an entry with an adorable smile!

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