Thursday, August 20, 2009

summer's nearing the end.

Where'd it go?? Tell me where the hell did the time go?
Is this what aging is, going in successively faster and smaller circles? Slow down!

My friend M~ was supposed to come visit today in fact. For 12 days. But due to boyfriend drama, I'm soooo not sold on this man, she had to abruptly move out of her apartment. Which ended up working out for the best, she's now moving into a house. That's good. But the guy, well...I'll have to meet him. I just don't have a good gut feeling about him. And of course I'm protective of my friends.

A~'s childcare ends for the summer tomorrow, a full 2 weeks before school starts. Grrr. So even though M~'s not coming into town I'm still going to take time off. I'm thinking of going up to the cabin. Or taking a bit of $ from my tax return and taking A~ somewhere fun. But, most likely not. I need to save the $ to pay my way out of my lease here. A woman at work has a condo she hasn't been able to sell and wants badly to rent it to me. Apparently I'm responsible. It's a cute condo. The location is better, in Edina and right down the street from SW mpls. The best part is we could get a cat, or 2. YAY! Now how to get out of my lease?!
Where there's a will there's a way. Hopefully not too expensive.

The last month has been crazy busy. Lots of weird things and over all good. I will try to catch this blog up to speed. In chronological order, so some posts may get posted before this one when I back date.

I also plan to take lots of pics and update on time while I'm taking time off.

I'll post pics of the new place soon too, if I get out of here. So whomever checks this, send positive vibes please!


1 comment:

Bethany said...

I'll send you positive vibes!