Monday, July 6, 2009

4th O' JoooLie!

Momma and her babies. We took pictures of them right after they hatched. Now they're so big!

The fourth was fun filled and emotional. Seriously, if I had the $ to go to a Doc I'd go. Between the well, let's just say I have reason to be a little um...worried. But not so worried that I feel like divulging much. Basically, I've got memory issues among other things, at the moment the memory shit bugs more than the actual health shit. Probably stress and lack of consistent decent food (oh, and really suck ass health insurance). Yeah.
We were relatively busy. I took Thursday off. Yipppeee! A~ and I went on the walk. Love those Pics! Friday we visited a friend in So. Mpls and grilled burgers while A~ raided the garden and played with the dog.
Hammerschlagen (I actually spelled that right!)

Attacking the garden, chives, basil, mint, and parsley...yum!
I am pretty sure there was still some left after A~ got out.

Saturday, the 4th o'JooLie we went to the sculpture garden made some awesomely inspiring art,
Lil' booger :)

A~'s was "Modern Art" with animals, Mine was some cross between firework and Tiger Lily.

We watched a couple bands after the art explosion, and then ate (burgers) in the rain before getting stuck in a closed museum by a downpour. closing a lame 2 hrs early. What's 2 hours?

That night despite the short lived coffee/sugar rush I was toooooo pooped to go see fireworks. So we popped popcorn and watched the big NY fireworks on Tv. Good thing, since I heard the fireworks downtown weren't any good.

A~ with the Monster hoop! Seriously, a group of people applauded him!

Watching short animations, anything that involves headphones is like a kid magnet.
(ok, I guess it's a little bit of a mom one too, sheesh)

Sunday we hung out with the Grandpoo and Nanpoo, and grilled... Burgers!
It was a burger filled weekend.
First there was the business of breaking open a geode Nanpoo brought back for A~ from their vaca up north. A~ and Nanpoo share a love of rocks. It's very cute.

There were only 4 of us, so I'm not quite sure why there was so much food...
Ladies and gentlemen, the King of grilling!

And that Folks was the weekend. Hope yours was as good or better!

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