Monday, June 29, 2009


The blog has been erased!! I have moved the entries to a safely password protected blog.
Now FUN!

Life has been waaay better. Right now I still feel like I'm at a crossroads, but they're nearly always good. This blog now will be very much reliant on small entries with links and photos. Here's to quirky!

Everything should be taken with a grain of salt, from here on out!

This weekend I attended the pride parade downtown, with my 7 yr old son. I'm not gay, and I firmly believe that you should be able to love who you love, you should get all the same rights that go along with that! This means having my son (and eventually children, tho that could be eons from now) see that I don't think any differently about volunteering for the pride parade as I do volunteering for the local lame-ass small town parade (other than the simple fact that Pride is way more fun).

Side note: anyone watch Martin Bashir's replay of the Michael Jackson interviews? I'm sorry MJ was crazier than a bag of squirrel bait, but the man had a messed up life. And I think Martin Bashir is just a bit mmm...I want to say evil, but I'll say mean. He didn't make a fan of me during the first interview airing, and he didn't endear himself to me any more after this. The way it ended with Michael talking about children was just mean.

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